How to keep your Maltese busy on a Rainy day!
Yes it is a rainy day and your bored because you can't be outside doing fun activities. Guess what? Your Maltese is bored too! First your Maltese senses your mood and thus if your bored, he/she is bored. If your happy, he.she is happy. Here are a few Ideas to break up the day.
- You can take your Maltese outside and jump in puddles! Beware this could lead to a case of the giggles!
- Since you jumped in puddles you now need to blow dry your hair and the Maltese hair
- Oops you also need to wash your clothes and throw them into the dryer. This will lead you to one of your Maltese favorite activities where he/she will lay in the laundry basket to wrap themselves in the warm freshly dried clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer.
- Now that your both warm and dried with beautiful blow dried hair, you need a snack. So break out the organic dog treat recipe book and bake some homemade doggie treats. Your Maltese will be glad to taste them all and let you know which ones taste the yummiest......
- Your Maltese will also help clean up by making sure he/she gets all the things that drop on the floor...LOL
- By now it's time for a nap so grab some sheets and make a fort in which you can both crawl into and tap a nap on all your fluffy pillows.
- When nap time is over your Maltese will be thrilled to help you tear down the fort..especially if he/she can drag the sheets down the hallway while you play chase with he/she.
- Now it is time to do some Internet sure to get advice from your Maltese on which toys then simply must have.
- Oops, we forgot to paint our toenails.. Better get this done or your Maltese will be the victim of all the neighborhood gossip for not having her nails done. LOL
- We now need a heart to heart talk about all your wishes and dreams.....You know how much your Maltese loves to share this special time with you especially since they are your most loving confident.
- Let's see what can we do now? Oh, your Maltese wants to have a tummy rub and a doggie massage.
- Oh, my we see it's now three o'clock and the kids will be home from school soon,so if we are going to tear up a roll of paper towels we better get going fast..the directions for this activity is to simple place the paper towels on the floor and then get out of the way! be sure to video tape this game to show to your Maltese on the next rainy day. Cleaning this up is easy with a damp mop.
- Oh my, we hear the kids approaching the door hurry you and your Maltese have to act like you have been busy working all day and have been so bored with nothing fun to do.
- Now it the moment you turn to your Maltese and Wink at them, I am sure you will see them wink back!